Travel Vlog: Pyramids of Teotihuacan, Mexico

Hi loves! I’ve been dying to share this one with you! One of the weekends my hubby went to visit me while I was working in Mexico, we took a tour to the Pyramids of Teotihuacan. Normally, we’d want to do our own thing and not be part of a formal tour, but renting a car or taking public transportation and trying to figure out our way around seemed so daunting. Upon doing a little research, I found this company online that did small tours to the Pyramids and even picked us up at our apartment and would drop us off afterwards. It was extremely convenient and for $40 pp, they sure gave us our money’s worth! On our 1 hour ride from our place to Teotihuacan we received a wealth of information about the history of Mexico and the rich cultures that influenced the country, including a bevy of indigenous cultures all across the land. The city dates back to 100 B.C. and it’s influence on Mesoamerica has been well documented. These pyramids are massive and are believed to have been used for religious activity, which included human sacrifice and worship of the Moon and Sun gods. The Pyramid of the Moon can be climbed half way, before it becomes dangerous to keep going, so they have it blocked off. The Pyramid of the Sun, even though is higher, can be climbed all the way up to the top. It was a trek, but totally worth it! Check out the video below to see it all, including the trip to a silver jewelry workshop/tequila refinery! We had an amazing time and I’m so happy to finally share with you!

Hola amores! He estado loca por compartir esto con ustedes! Uno de lo fines de semana que mi esposito me fue a visitar mientras trabajaba en México, tomamos un tour a las Pirámides de Teotihuacán. Normalmente, nos gusta aventurar solos, sin guía turístico, pero pensar en alquilar un carro o tomar transporte público e intentar andar solitos por ahí nos parecía agobiante. Luego de una búsqueda corta, conseguí una compañía que hace tours de grupos pequeños hacia las Pirámides, en el cual te recogen y te regresan a tu apartamento u hotel. Por $40 pp, realmente nos dieron un muy buen valor por nuestro dinero! Durante la hora de viaje a Teotihuacán, nos dieron mucha información acerca de la historia de México y la riqueza de las culturas que influenciaron al país, incluyendo una multitud de culturas indígenas. La ciudad se estima que existe desde al año 100 B.C. y su influencia en Mesoamérica está bien documentada. Estas pirámides son enormes y se entiende que fueron utilizadas para actividades religiosas, que incorporaban sacrificio humano y veneración a los dioses de la luna y del sol. La Pirámide de la Luna se puede escalar hasta la mitad antes de que se ponga muy peligroso, y la Pirámide del Sol, a pesar de ser más alta, se puede alcanzar la cima. Es un largo trecho, pero vale la pena! Vean el video abajo para que lo vean todo, incluyendo una visita a un taller de joyería de plata y tequilera! Disfrutamos muchísimo y estoy super contenta de poder compartirlo con ustedes!

25 thoughts on “Travel Vlog: Pyramids of Teotihuacan, Mexico

  1. Wow! What an amazing experience and oh my goodness the tours are so cheap! You can bet if there was anything similar in Australia it would be $300 +Your pics are gorgeousAdrianna xx


  2. Mexico is truly beautiful! My husband and I have only been once, to Cozumel, but would love to go again! We, unfortunately, didn't see pyramids like these, but visited some of the Mayan ruins, it's incredible how they were able to construct such complicated pyramids, isn't it!? Thanks for sharing, babe, and I hope you're having a great week so far!XO,


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