Working out with Joyride and WholeFoods

Summer is approaching pretty quickly and it’s time to get serious about getting back into shape. I have 2 weddings coming up and one is in Cancun! I’m very aware that I’m nowhere near where I was for my wedding. I fought hard to get there, and for the last year, I’ve been traveling a lot for work and more lax about my workouts. I know if I put my mind to it, I get in shape really fast. What I have noticed is that my muscle memory is there, but my eating habits haven’t been the greatest. I tried a Vegan cleanse for 2 weeks and noticed I had so much energy, lost about 5 lbs, but then plateaued. I started doing a more plant-based diet and upping my workouts from 3 times a week to 5 and started seeing the changes. Leaner muscle and amped energy! 
I was recently invited to a Blogger Power Hour hosted by my friend, Christina Ochoa, blogger from The Social Butterfly Gal, Whole Foods Market and Joyride Texas. I thought I was good to go and for the Tabata workout our trainer Jason had us do, so I went HARD. I mean hard. Perfect squats, jumping lunges, full (no knees) push-ups, the works! The next days I was in serious pain, which made me think. Maybe I’m not seeing the results I want because I don’t have someone pushing me when I workout at home. So, I decided I’m going to attend at least 1 class per week, added to my weekly routine. Whole Foods will be hosting weekly workouts on Saturdays including food seminars, which is very important. I’m super excited! Ready to take my fitness to the next level!

El verano se acerca y ya es tiempo de tomar en serio esta meta de ponerme en forma de nuevo. Tengo 2 bodas pronto y una es en Cancún! Estoy muy consciente de que no estoy ni cerca de donde estaba físicamente para mi propia boda. Luché fuertemente para llegar a ese físico. Este pasado año he estado viajando mucho y tomándolo muy suave con el ejercicio. Yo sé que si me dedico, me puedo poner en forma bastante rápido. Lo que sí me he dado cuenta es que aún mis músculos guardan memoria, pero mis hábitos alimenticios no han sido lo mejor. Traté una limpieza vegana por 2 semanas y tuve mucha energía y bajé hasta 5 lbs, pero me estanqué. Recientemente he estado haciendo un plan más basado en plantas y aumenté mis ejercicios de 3 veces en semana a 5 y ya estoy empezando a ver los cambios. Músculos se están formando de nuevo y tengo más energía!
Recientemente, fui invitada por mi amiga Christina Ochoa, del blog The Social Butterfly Gal, para un evento de Whole Foods y Joyride Texas. Yo pensé que estaba lista para matar y para el circuito de TABATA que entrenador Jason nos puso a hacer, le metí DURO, pero bien duro! Sentadillas perfectas, saltos, push-ups sin rodillas, bueno ya se pueden imaginar. Los días luego de la sesión estaba en dolor! Esto me puso a pensar que tal vez, no estoy dando mi todo cuando hago ejercicios en casa. Así que, tomé la decisión de asistir a una clase por semana, por encima de mi rutina semanal. Whole Foods tiene planes de traer una clase gratis todos los Sábados incluyendo un seminario sobre alimentos, lo cual es sumamente importante. Estoy super emocionada! Lista para tomar mi bienestar físico al próximo nivel!

37 thoughts on “Working out with Joyride and WholeFoods

  1. I think you look beautiful no matter what, but I totally get it! Plus having more energy is always key! You look super strong in these pics (and therefore sexy!!) and I wish you the best with your journey in fitness!!


  2. omg i am totally with you on not being where i was when i got married a year ago! ahh! i keep doing beach body workouts but i feel like they don't make a difference. i love classes, i just need to get my ass to more of them!


  3. I did T25 before my wedding and had never been fitter. What messed me up was inconsistency and bad eating habits while on the road. Changing that right now and adding a live class per week. BeachBody has always been my go to, but nothing like a live trainer to kick your butt in person!XoJeanie


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